Javi & Lily

My first ever solo wedding! Well, technically second because one of my best friend’s dads let me photograph their wedding in 2012. But since Nina Cline Photography became a business and I became interested in shooting weddings, this is my first solo one.
This wedding was so special to me, as the lovely couple getting married are related to a beloved friend of mine. I have known this family for some time, so I was absolutely over the moon to get to be a part of this momentous day. Lily and Javi had their ceremony in their uncle's backyard here in Morganton, NC, and the way they transformed it was incredible! They hand-built seating, a podium, and an arch. The reception was held there, but the area looked exactly like an Asheville bistro.
Lily and Javi were so relaxed and clearly in love--it was as if this moment were written in the stars. The families flowed together as if they had always been one, laughing with each other and sharing in their happiness for the newlyweds.  I could not be happier that my first solo wedding as a photographer was with this sweet couple. I got to be with a family I love, in my beautiful hometown, and on that day, it felt like the sun shined just for us. Because of their love, we created memories that will be cherished forever.


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